Every yin has its yang. For all of the whimsical, dreamy, pastel cakes we’ve seen, it’s time for cakes with a more solid source of inspiration. Designs inspired by all things rocky – marble, agates, geode and metallic – are some of the biggest trends in luxury wedding cakes.

This is another trend that started in one design world and then made its way onto cakes. Geodes and marble can be spotted in trendy jewellery and home décor designs. From a geode-studded sash to a terrarium centerpiece covered in crystalised rocks and white rock candy cocktail stirrers, rock and crystal-inspired weddings are trending.

If you want a statement cake, look no further. Whether your wedding tone is subtle or strong, this trend will make your centerpiece a masterpiece. Pair blush tones with rose gold or, if you really want to stand out, bring in gold and jewel-tones. This trend is major, and there are options to do a little or a lot!

Up the wow-factor at your wedding and replace edible flowers on your cakes with edible rocks and crystals. As one of the newer trends in wedding cakes, it is predicted to kick off big-time, and it isn’t hard to see why when you lay your eyes on the unique and eye catching final products.

Geode cakes are all the rage. Your guests won’t be gawking at your engagement ring bling once they see your cake. Colourful, complex and mesmerising, they take hours of planning and work, but they are show-stoppingly gorgeous. Made of crystallised coloured sugar, these beauties are sure to steal the show at any wedding and ensure loads of editorial-worthy photography. Choose a “stone” that represents the two of you — the birthstone of the month you’re getting married, perhaps?

A marbleised cake looks statuesque. With its swirled patterns, these cakes will have your guests wondering if you’re really going to cut into such a gorgeous work of art. Go classic with soft grey and white colours to really bring home the stone pattern, or use your wedding colours for a more modern and festive confection. Soften things up by adding fresh flowers in bold colours or structural greenery.

Metallics are here to stay. Warm tones shine loud and proud all on their own, or can be paired with virtually any colour. Copper and Rose Gold have been the most popular, but silver works equally well with both soft or bold colour palettes. Adding just a touch of sparkle, scattered edible gold and silver leaf helps achieve an imperfect textured look. Perfect for adding a little glam!


Your wedding cake will be a focal point at your reception, and the cutting of your cake will be the first task you will undertake as a newly married couple.

For many couples, the size of the wedding cake is a balance of what you need and what you want, and somewhere in between will be your budget!

So how do you decide on the size of your designer wedding cake? On a practical front, the size of your cake should match the number of guests attending your reception, plus any additional tier(s) that you want kept for a future event.

The first decision to make is how you plan to serve your wedding cake. Will it be served with coffee, as an addition to other desserts, or as a plated dessert?

How does this relate to your wedding cake? Let’s look at an average three-tiered round cake measuring 15cm, 20cm and 25cm. Depending on how it is cut, the same cake can be served in different ways: 200 finger serves, 150 small coffee serves, 100 standard coffee or small dessert serves, or 50 full size dessert serves.

Your wedding cake specialist will be able to guide you to the most suitable size for your reception. There are many options available when catering for larger weddings, including having kitchen cutting cakes that are iced but not decorated and that are not displayed. This lowers the cost overall.

The grooms often think that these serving suggestions are much too small! Do remember that your wedding cake will be served after a full wedding meal, often including several courses, and your guests will likely be very well fed! Unless you are happy to have cake left over, there is no need to over-cater when it comes to your wedding cake.

For small weddings, a single tiered wedding cake placed on a cake stand is just as beautiful.

If a Groom were to smash a piece of cake

If a Groom were to smash a piece of cake over his Bride’s head now, I doubt that it would be well received – all the more so after she’s spent so long on the hairdo and make up. It used to represent his power over her, but we’re supposed to be equal these days….. (that’s fodder for another article altogether).

All jest aside, the cake cutting tradition in modern times still carries a lot of weight, and no small amount of emotion. The ritual symbolises the couple’s commitment to provide for one another, and to nurture each other, and the beginning of a new life together.

And let’s face it, the sharing of food with friends we care for, and who care about us, is as old as time, and something that doesn’t go out of fashion.

So, while we may ask “Why have a wedding cake? ” … it seems the humble (or not so humble, depending on your budget) wedding cake is here to stay for a wee while yet.


You may decide you want to reflect the seasonal timing of your wedding in your cake, and carry the seasonal theme through the rest of your celebration in relation to the venue, decor and settings, what you wear and what you eat.

Summer is the most popular time of year to marry, for obvious reasons it’s “easier”, warmer, you can wear less, waft about on dry grass, paddle barefoot in the sea, enjoy a garden ceremony, dance in a marquee …. It simply allows for more options and, as far as any cake goes, the same thing applies. Lush flowers, lots of colour, abundance, shells, beach themes … almost anything goes. Bright painted floral designs work well.

Pretty much the same applies to Springtime, although it is perhaps a more delicate time of year … softer colours, a lighter touch; birds, bees and butterflies and gentle florals. Citrus flavour cakes are more popular at this time of year, and in the Summer months, too.

Fotograf Til Bryllup i Aarhus

Fotograf Til Bryllup i Aarhus

Fotograf Til Bryllup i Aarhus: Den Perfekte Måde at Bevare Dine Minder

Når du planlægger dit bryllup i den charmerende by Aarhus, er det afgørende at finde den rette fotograf, der kan fange essensen af din store dag. Aarhus, med sin unikke blanding af historiske steder og moderne arkitektur, tilbyder en fantastisk baggrund for bryllupsfotografering. Her er nogle nøglepunkter, du bør overveje, når du vælger din bryllupsfotograf.

Forstå Din Stil

Før du begynder at søge efter en fotograf, skal du overveje, hvilken stil af fotografering du foretrækker. Er du til mere traditionelle og poserede billeder, eller søger du en mere afslappet, dokumentarisk tilgang? Aarhus’ forskelligartede landskab tilbyder ideelle rammer for en bred vifte af fotograferingsstile.

Research og Portfolios

Brug tid på at gennemgå potentielle fotografers porteføljer. Sørg for at deres tidligere arbejde resonnerer med den stil og kvalitet, du forventer. Vær også opmærksom på, hvordan fotografen fanger følelser og øjeblikke, da dette er afgørende for bryllupsfotografering.

Møde og Kommunikation

Det er vigtigt at møde fotografen personligt, eller i det mindste have en detaljeret samtale over telefonen. Dette vil give dig en forståelse af deres personlighed og arbejdsmetode. En god kemi mellem dig og fotografen kan gøre en stor forskel på din store dag.

Kendskab til Lokationen

En fotograf, der er bekendt med Aarhus, vil have en fordel, da de kender de bedste steder til at tage billeder. Uanset om det er de maleriske gader i Latinerkvarteret eller den moderne æstetik ved Aarhus Ø, kan lokal kendskab være uvurderligt.

Pakker og Priser

Diskuter pakker og priser på forhånd. Nogle fotografer tilbyder skræddersyede pakker, mens andre har standardmuligheder. Vær også opmærksom på, hvad der er inkluderet i prisen, såsom antallet af timer, antal billeder, og om der er en album eller digital levering af billeder.

Anmeldelser og Referencer

Tjek anmeldelser og spørg om referencer fra tidligere kunder. Dette kan give dig et mere nuanceret billede af fotografens pålidelighed og kvalitet af arbejdet.

Kontrakt og Sikkerhed

Sørg for at få en skriftlig kontrakt, der detaljerer alle aspekter af aftalen, herunder afbestillings- og refusionspolitikker. Dette vil give begge parter klarhed og sikkerhed.

At vælge den rette fotograf til dit bryllup i Aarhus er en afgørende beslutning, der vil påvirke, hvordan du mindes din særlige dag i årene fremover. Med den rette planlægning og forskning kan du finde en fotograf, der passer perfekt til dine behov og stil.

Fotograf til Bryllup i København

Fotograf til Bryllup i København

Fotograf til Bryllup i København: En Guide til Det Perfekte Billede

Når man planlægger sit bryllup, er valget af fotograf en af de mest afgørende beslutninger. I en by som København, med dens unikke arkitektur og atmosfære, bliver dette valg endnu vigtigere. En dygtig bryllupsfotograf kan fange øjeblikkene, der fortæller jeres kærlighedshistorie på en måde, som varer evigt.

Fotograf til Bryllup i København: En Guide til Det Perfekte Billede

Vigtigheden af en God Bryllupsfotograf

Bryllupsfotografier er ikke bare billeder; de er værdifulde minder, der fanger essensen af jeres specielle dag. En erfaren fotograf i København vil ikke kun tage traditionelle billeder, men også indfange spontane øjeblikke og byens unikke charme.

Sådan Vælger Du den Rette Fotograf

  1. Portfolio og Stil: Se på fotografens tidligere arbejde for at forstå deres stil. Er det traditionelt, kunstnerisk eller måske dokumentarisk?
  2. Erfaring: En erfaren fotograf vil kunne navigere i bryllupsdagens travlhed og fange de vigtige øjeblikke.
  3. Kommunikation: En god fotograf skal være let at kommunikere med og forstå jeres vision for dagen.
  4. Anmeldelser: Tjek anmeldelser og referencer for at se tidligere kunders oplevelser.

De Bedste Lokationer i København for Bryllupsfotos

  • Nyhavn: Med sine farverige bygninger og historiske skibe, tilbyder Nyhavn en klassisk Københavnsk baggrund.
  • Den Lille Havfrue og Langelinie: Den ikoniske skulptur og den omkringliggende park skaber en romantisk setting.
  • Botanisk Have: De frodige omgivelser er perfekte for naturlige og romantiske billeder.
  • Rådhuset: For dem, der ønsker en urban og arkitektonisk flair.

Planlægning og Forberedelse

Diskuter med jeres fotograf om tidsplanen for dagen, ønskede skud og eventuelle specielle øjeblikke, I ønsker fanget. En forhåndskonsultation kan være afgørende for at sikre, at fotografen forstår jeres vision.

Valg af bryllupsfotografen

At vælge den rette bryllupsfotograf i København er en vigtig del af at planlægge jeres perfekte dag. Den rigtige fotograf vil ikke kun fange de store øjeblikke, men også de små detaljer, der gør jeres bryllup unikt. Med de rigtige forberedelser og forskning kan I finde en fotograf, der vil gøre jeres bryllupsbilleder til tidløse skatte.

Professional Corporate Headshots & Portraits

Professional Corporate Headshots & Portraits

We specialise in headshots for corporate business and actors from our Brisbane studio. We have all heard the expression “First impressions last”. It is important to make sure your first point of contact with a potential new client or employer be memorable. Corporate headshots allow you to deliver a strong professional message.

Top professionelle portrætfotos

Corporate headshots are perfect for online profiles and advertising material. Your profile photo has a huge impact on how potential clients will choose to work with you. People are naturally drawn to make their choices based on visual information. It may be quite shallow, but that’s reality – what people see make a huge difference on how they choose the ones they want to do business with.

Having a notable headshot is what you need to set yourself apart from the crowd. In our highly competitive world, you need to make a lasting impact with a strong photograph that echos your skills and exceptional qualities.

Hele Danmarks portrætfotografer

Our Headshots are perfect for:

  • Business cards – Real Estate, Executives , Business Owners
  • Linked Profile
  • Google+ Profile
  • Facebook Profile
  • Twitter profile
  • About Us pages
  • Teams of staff members
  • Marketing and advertising material

Research shows that personalized head shots in advertising materials profiles generates a higher response rate. People like to feel as though they have a personal connection. Now is more important than ever to build a reputable image to your clients.

Our advantage

  • We help you feel at ease in front of the camera to bring out the best in you.
  • Discover the best angles and poses that suit you.
  • Accentuate your best features and unique personality through the lens

Why Choose Us?

We have over 10 years experience as a professional headshot photographer. We can cater for both studio shoots and on location at your office or preferred location. Our team are passionate about creating exceptional photography that helps visually communicate exactly what you need to tell your audience.